I hope you had a great day or a better-than-okay day. I actually had a rough day with health issues. Since Monday, when I had a great deal of Fibromyalgia treatment, my body has reacted in excruciating muscle spasms so it's not fun. I had those, knife-stabbing kind of pain that you just felt it would slice through your whole body, but doesn't. It feels like a knife is jabbing in and out of each part of your body sporatically. So much fun.
The chiropractor I have has helped a lot because all that he specializes in, yet the most painful treatments I have had are the electric stimulation in the ear which sends signals to the brain and different parts of my body. It hurts a lot yet in the long run it will help because it is retraining my brain that my body is not supposed to be in all this pain. I was doing real good on Monday, but then it seems everytime I take 2 steps forward, I end up taking 3 steps backwards (healthwise). so frusterating. Anyway...I made it through another day.
The good thing about having all these health issues, is that I have an opportunity to understand people who are hurting even more. I used to think that when I asked people how they were doing, and they responded by: "I am okay," I never thought anything of it.
Here is a Teensy Tidbit: When someone says he or she is okay especially if they are chronically ill, it actually means that he or she is probably having a tough time and he or she was actually able to get up in the morning, took awhile to get ready, and had a hard time getting to wherever you saw them, due to pain. They are just OKAY, they barely made it to their destination and are hanging on by a thread to not run home and jump back in bed, just to pull the covers over their head.
So if someone replies to you about how they are doing, and they just say they are okay, you may want to ask them a deeper question to understand them more of what they are going through or ask him or her if he or she needs to talk. A person is not usually doing well, when they say: "I am okay." Nine times out of ten, they really need a hug or someone to talk to.
If this is a bit much, then maybe you should ask another question instead of: "how are you doing?"
We have moved!!! Visit us at: www.teensytidbits.blogspot.com If you have any questions, email us at: expressivepraise@gmail.com
We have moved
please visit us at: www.teensytidbits.blogspot.com
Dec 3, 2009
Nov 27, 2009
Thanksgivng Day - funny moments
I had a good Thanksgiving Day especially since it was peaceful and relaxing; well it didn't start that way.
I had spend the night at my sister's house; I slept on the couch. Couches are not always comfortable, but I didn't complain and I tried to fall asleep. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have sensitive ears. I could hear two clocks ticking and the water heater making some loud sounds. Then the refrigerator would run. Before I went to bed, I asked my sis if she minded if I take the battery out of the smoke detector that was upstairs and would beep once, every minute. She was surprised that I could hear that, but she knew that I have sensitive ears. Anyway, I finally fall asleep.
I wake up at 1:30 am and feel wide awake; I decide to do something productive til 3am. Then I went back and laid down. I still had a hard time sleeping and as I was about to doze off, I kept hearing footsteps and rattling sounds. Without looking up, I thought it was my sister. I ended up talking to her but she wouldn't respond. After a few minutes, I decided to get up and turn the light on. It turns out that her cat was in my sister's big purse and was digging for something. All I could see was part of his backside and a tail for the rest was in the purse.
I lured him out of it and went back to bed. I kept hearing a lot of rustling, so I get back up, turned on the light just to find the cat back in the purse. He popped his head out and pulled out a baggie with some chicken nugget pieces in a sealed Ziplock bag. I decided to just give him the chicken and put the purse in another room. The cat began to purr as he ate the nuggets and I went back to the couch.
So I guess you could say that I didn't sleep well.
My sister had the turkey in the oven by 9 am. Since I didn't sleep well, I am not in a hurry to get up. I lay on the couch watching the tiny chihuahua drag a uncooked turkey neck across the kitchen floor to go bring it outside. All I could do was laugh. I guess the cat jumped in the sink and stole the turkey neck and jumped down, with it in his mouth. The dog was thankful. My sister takes the turkey neck from the dog and cooks it for her pets.
We ate our dinner and we are in the middle of watching a movie in the living room when I decide to take a break.
I walked by the dog and notice he is chomping on something that's almost the same size as himself. I bend down to look at it; it's a huge piece of ham; it's humongous. I didn't think anything of it; yet I just happened to tell my sister about it. She said that we didn't even cook ham, and she was right; I didn't even think about that. So where did he get that ham since he's been in the house or inside the enclosed tiny back yard the whole day. Here's the scenario:
The only thing that could have happened was that the cat jumped onto the 6 + ft tall fence to get out of the yard which we have seen him do a lot. Either he found that great piece of ham in the dumpster or he stole it from one of our neighbors' dinner plates. LOL. It looked like it had just been sliced; maybe the ham was sliced into four pieces and someone gave him a slice. I don't know. Too funny. Can you picture this? A cat with a huge carving of ham in its mouth, climbing on top of a 6+ ft fence, and jumping onto the ground. I don't know, he might have dropped the ham a few times. So he drags it through the opened back door that leads to the kitchen and gives it to the tiny dog. I think the dog had the best Thanksgiving Day, don't you think? lol
I had spend the night at my sister's house; I slept on the couch. Couches are not always comfortable, but I didn't complain and I tried to fall asleep. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have sensitive ears. I could hear two clocks ticking and the water heater making some loud sounds. Then the refrigerator would run. Before I went to bed, I asked my sis if she minded if I take the battery out of the smoke detector that was upstairs and would beep once, every minute. She was surprised that I could hear that, but she knew that I have sensitive ears. Anyway, I finally fall asleep.
I wake up at 1:30 am and feel wide awake; I decide to do something productive til 3am. Then I went back and laid down. I still had a hard time sleeping and as I was about to doze off, I kept hearing footsteps and rattling sounds. Without looking up, I thought it was my sister. I ended up talking to her but she wouldn't respond. After a few minutes, I decided to get up and turn the light on. It turns out that her cat was in my sister's big purse and was digging for something. All I could see was part of his backside and a tail for the rest was in the purse.
I lured him out of it and went back to bed. I kept hearing a lot of rustling, so I get back up, turned on the light just to find the cat back in the purse. He popped his head out and pulled out a baggie with some chicken nugget pieces in a sealed Ziplock bag. I decided to just give him the chicken and put the purse in another room. The cat began to purr as he ate the nuggets and I went back to the couch.
So I guess you could say that I didn't sleep well.
My sister had the turkey in the oven by 9 am. Since I didn't sleep well, I am not in a hurry to get up. I lay on the couch watching the tiny chihuahua drag a uncooked turkey neck across the kitchen floor to go bring it outside. All I could do was laugh. I guess the cat jumped in the sink and stole the turkey neck and jumped down, with it in his mouth. The dog was thankful. My sister takes the turkey neck from the dog and cooks it for her pets.
We ate our dinner and we are in the middle of watching a movie in the living room when I decide to take a break.
I walked by the dog and notice he is chomping on something that's almost the same size as himself. I bend down to look at it; it's a huge piece of ham; it's humongous. I didn't think anything of it; yet I just happened to tell my sister about it. She said that we didn't even cook ham, and she was right; I didn't even think about that. So where did he get that ham since he's been in the house or inside the enclosed tiny back yard the whole day. Here's the scenario:
The only thing that could have happened was that the cat jumped onto the 6 + ft tall fence to get out of the yard which we have seen him do a lot. Either he found that great piece of ham in the dumpster or he stole it from one of our neighbors' dinner plates. LOL. It looked like it had just been sliced; maybe the ham was sliced into four pieces and someone gave him a slice. I don't know. Too funny. Can you picture this? A cat with a huge carving of ham in its mouth, climbing on top of a 6+ ft fence, and jumping onto the ground. I don't know, he might have dropped the ham a few times. So he drags it through the opened back door that leads to the kitchen and gives it to the tiny dog. I think the dog had the best Thanksgiving Day, don't you think? lol
Another House-Sitting adventure. This one is the tops!!!
Okay I was actually dog sitting, cat sitting, or maybe zoo sitting a couple of weeks ago. I was taking care of 3 cats and 5 dogs and thankfully the tortoise was in hibernation.
One of the cats, we will name Crazy Cat, decided to have fun in the field in the back. He came in with fox tails, weeds, and dirt all over his thick fur so I spent a great amount of time picking them out of his fur and mostly out of his bottom.
One night, as I opened the bathroom door and was drying my clean and shiny hair, I noticed in the dark living room that the cat dropped a sock near the puppy. I thought it was no big deal; then I thought about it. The cat doesn't usually have socks in his mouth, the dog does. So I turned on the light in the living room and noticed I was staring at a gopher. Yuck, eeek, ooouuuooo. I don't like rodents. So I was about to dodge for something to get rid of it and realized the broom and dust pan were in the kitchen. The 3 dogs and 1 cat were trying to get near the yummy delicacy. As I shooooed them away, I ran for the broom in a sprint.
I took a deep breath and swept up the rodent, but the rodent was soft and limp and wouldn't slide nicely onto the dustpan. I had to keep trying to gather this fresh kill before the animals devoured it. THis was not a great day for me; still makes me grossed out just thinking about it. lol
I finally got it and was heading out the front door when I realized there was the huge dog on the front porch. I had to sway her away and put the rodent outside with the dustpan. I am just thankful the dustpan had a tall handle. I looked outside and remembered I already took out the trash cans eaarlier because the next day would be trash day. As I looked down, I realized I am in my pj's, yet I had to get rid of this rodent before the animals got it. I ran and grabbed a jacket and didn't care how I looked. I walked out to the front of the house, out to the street, and carefully put that limp golpher in the trash receptical.
So glad that was over. Now it was time to get ready for bed. The owner of the dogs likes her animals to wear cloths, so I changed 4 of their clothes just in case she came home the next day. I put on their warm shirts because it was cold. I felt like I was getting 4 babies ready for bed. Crazy. Okay 2 dogs had medicine, changed 4 dog's clothes, made sure they all went out to potty, and then put 3 in a bed. One of them was missing her owner so she slept on the floor in my bedroom. Okay every body is set, so now I get some time to myself. Man, I felt like a crazy mom. lol
Whew, what a night.
I had a hard time sleeping; the dog I let sleep in my room, actually snores. Then in the middle of the night, something startled me. I looked on the side of my bed, and the dog was jumping up and down really high, trying to get on my bed. All I could do was laugh. I don't know how long she had been jumping and NO I did not let her sleep with me.
The next morning I realized it was going to be a hot day, so I had to change the dogs clothes again because they would have roasted in their warm clothes. So I ran to the dresser drawer where all the dog's clothes were and picked out 4 more outfits, then threw them on them because my bus was about to pick me up. Then I made sure 2 of them had their meds and all were fed and I was out the door.
Next day, I was getting things done in the house, and then made sure the door was locked and the alarm was set before getting ready for bed. A half hour past and I kept hearing barking. I told one of the dogs that was following me to stop barking. Yet she wouldn't stop. Actually I figured out it wasn't her at all; it was one of the dogs I forgot about and left him outside. So I had to unset the alarm and open the door and let him in. Then I the alarm back on.
A little later, I kept hearing running water. It was bugging me because I was the only one in the house. So I opened the door and forgot about the fact that I had turned on the alarm. So the alarm is now blaring; I run and turn it off. I call the alarm company to tell them that it was a false alarm and didn't want to be charged for it. I dialed the number that was written down. It said the number is changed and to call another number. So I call that number; after following all of the steps and talk to an actual person; they said I have the wrong alarm company. So then I finally call the correct company and the rep said that the alarm didn't register onto the system. I guess if you turn the alarm off within a few seconds, it doesn't compute. I remember running to turn the alarm off. What a crazy week I had!!!
And the owner of the dogs wonders why I was so exhuasted after I dog sat. funny. lol Stay tuned for more housesitting adventures.
One of the cats, we will name Crazy Cat, decided to have fun in the field in the back. He came in with fox tails, weeds, and dirt all over his thick fur so I spent a great amount of time picking them out of his fur and mostly out of his bottom.
One night, as I opened the bathroom door and was drying my clean and shiny hair, I noticed in the dark living room that the cat dropped a sock near the puppy. I thought it was no big deal; then I thought about it. The cat doesn't usually have socks in his mouth, the dog does. So I turned on the light in the living room and noticed I was staring at a gopher. Yuck, eeek, ooouuuooo. I don't like rodents. So I was about to dodge for something to get rid of it and realized the broom and dust pan were in the kitchen. The 3 dogs and 1 cat were trying to get near the yummy delicacy. As I shooooed them away, I ran for the broom in a sprint.
I took a deep breath and swept up the rodent, but the rodent was soft and limp and wouldn't slide nicely onto the dustpan. I had to keep trying to gather this fresh kill before the animals devoured it. THis was not a great day for me; still makes me grossed out just thinking about it. lol
I finally got it and was heading out the front door when I realized there was the huge dog on the front porch. I had to sway her away and put the rodent outside with the dustpan. I am just thankful the dustpan had a tall handle. I looked outside and remembered I already took out the trash cans eaarlier because the next day would be trash day. As I looked down, I realized I am in my pj's, yet I had to get rid of this rodent before the animals got it. I ran and grabbed a jacket and didn't care how I looked. I walked out to the front of the house, out to the street, and carefully put that limp golpher in the trash receptical.
So glad that was over. Now it was time to get ready for bed. The owner of the dogs likes her animals to wear cloths, so I changed 4 of their clothes just in case she came home the next day. I put on their warm shirts because it was cold. I felt like I was getting 4 babies ready for bed. Crazy. Okay 2 dogs had medicine, changed 4 dog's clothes, made sure they all went out to potty, and then put 3 in a bed. One of them was missing her owner so she slept on the floor in my bedroom. Okay every body is set, so now I get some time to myself. Man, I felt like a crazy mom. lol
Whew, what a night.
I had a hard time sleeping; the dog I let sleep in my room, actually snores. Then in the middle of the night, something startled me. I looked on the side of my bed, and the dog was jumping up and down really high, trying to get on my bed. All I could do was laugh. I don't know how long she had been jumping and NO I did not let her sleep with me.
The next morning I realized it was going to be a hot day, so I had to change the dogs clothes again because they would have roasted in their warm clothes. So I ran to the dresser drawer where all the dog's clothes were and picked out 4 more outfits, then threw them on them because my bus was about to pick me up. Then I made sure 2 of them had their meds and all were fed and I was out the door.
Next day, I was getting things done in the house, and then made sure the door was locked and the alarm was set before getting ready for bed. A half hour past and I kept hearing barking. I told one of the dogs that was following me to stop barking. Yet she wouldn't stop. Actually I figured out it wasn't her at all; it was one of the dogs I forgot about and left him outside. So I had to unset the alarm and open the door and let him in. Then I the alarm back on.
A little later, I kept hearing running water. It was bugging me because I was the only one in the house. So I opened the door and forgot about the fact that I had turned on the alarm. So the alarm is now blaring; I run and turn it off. I call the alarm company to tell them that it was a false alarm and didn't want to be charged for it. I dialed the number that was written down. It said the number is changed and to call another number. So I call that number; after following all of the steps and talk to an actual person; they said I have the wrong alarm company. So then I finally call the correct company and the rep said that the alarm didn't register onto the system. I guess if you turn the alarm off within a few seconds, it doesn't compute. I remember running to turn the alarm off. What a crazy week I had!!!
And the owner of the dogs wonders why I was so exhuasted after I dog sat. funny. lol Stay tuned for more housesitting adventures.
Oct 28, 2009
Are you a monkey?
Yah, and about that evolution thing, people actual believe that we came from apes or monkeys. You might have come from a monkey, but I didn't. And if we came from monkeys, why are there still some at the zoo? Are we holding them hostage to see if they will turn into a person's son or daughter someday. That just cracks me up.
Any one that knows me real well, knows that my favorite animal is the monkey, but I know that I wasn't a monkey, never been a monkey, never will be a monkey and my great, great, great, and a million more great grandparents were not monkeys. So stop monkeying around, and get a clue: God created us... God is my true father, not the monkey.
Any one that knows me real well, knows that my favorite animal is the monkey, but I know that I wasn't a monkey, never been a monkey, never will be a monkey and my great, great, great, and a million more great grandparents were not monkeys. So stop monkeying around, and get a clue: God created us... God is my true father, not the monkey.
God is creative

Yesterday I was cutting open a pomegranate; I was thinking who ever made this fruit is very creative. I was taking out each little piece and placing it in a bowl. I would break apart more of the pomegranate and realize there was even more of those little pieces hiding. As I grabbed one little piece and ate it; I was amazed at how much juice was in that tiny little seed.
It made me start thinking about how creative God is; He made so many different kinds of fruit. He put so much thought into each one, especially the pomegranate. He has made so many things on this earth, plus the earth itself, and everything surrounding it.
God amazes me with all that He does. If I was him, I wouldn't even know where to start to even think about how to make an earth, let alone mankind. Here's a thought: What if I was in charge of making mankind. You think it's bad now, it's nothing compared to it if I was in charge of it. I guess there is a reason why He is God and I am not. He can do anything. He can be everywhere at once, and yet know each individual person personally and individually. That is so amazing to me. I can not do that. I love people but that's just a lot of responsibility, let alone a lot of people.
When I was opening that piece of fruit, it just made me think of how could someone not believe that God exists when he is all around us. He is in the air we breath (yes, even in the smog), he is in Russia, as well as CA, and even all the way to the moon. That would be so cool, to be an astronaut and go to the moon and do your daily devotional or pray and be surrounded by all those stars. That would be so breathtaking, yet I am afraid of heights so you won't see me there anytime soon. Remember that we are surrounded by God and all that He is and all that He does.
God created man. The more I read details of the anatomy it just amazes me how each part, big or small, is connected and for all the different purposes.
How can someone not believe that there is no God? That just stumps me.
God is God.
The end.
-(I dedicate this blog to the 3 amigos: Devin Henderson, Esteban Sandoval, and Kellen Ricker, just because I can and also because they were my former students. All have grown up and recently have started attending different colleges, are still serving God, and I am proud of them).
Oct 23, 2009
Chiropractic treatment is working! I just know that in my case, it will take a lot of time.
I guess you can say that I have been frustrated because some of my friends and doctors do not think that Chiropractors are “real doctors” or “good doctors,” yet the chiropractic treatment that I have had, has helped. I know I do have these migraine-like headaches still, yet they are not as frequent as before I started this treatment a year ago. I do have fibromyalgia flare-ups often and other intense pain, but I look to the future of it lessening.
I tend to visit my regular physician every now and then for the usual checkups, referrals, or questions that I have. In the past, my regular doctor has done everything he knows how to do for my illnesses and pains and nothing has worked. He has ordered many tests and has treated me with Trigger Point Injections, wellness shots, numerous medications, etc... He has even referred me to numerous specialists for: Fibromyalgia, Rheumatology, Gastroenterolology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Dermatology, and even a Chronic Pain Clinic... and yet nothing has worked. He has done everything he knows how to do and now he basically tells me to just deal with the chronic conditions. I can honestly say that I am doing that better now, than I have in the past.
Several years ago, the Fibromyalgia and Nutritionist specialists had helped me get on track on how to handle different things, and change my way of eating, which I did, yet nothing else had worked. So I was sent to a specialist at the Chronic Pain Clinic; he said that I was in too much pain and had too many problems and to come back when I am in less pain and have less chronic illnesses. I remember crying back then, but now I can actually laugh.
It figures!!! All of my specialists and doctors say that I am their most difficult patient (meaning, I have many chronic illnesses that are difficult to treat and many medicines do not work on me like they do on most of their patients). Most of my doctors are frustrated because anti-inflammatory medicines make me sick. And now I can’t even get treated at the Chronic Pain Clinic. Wow!!! It is funny; now I can laugh at all of this, when in the past I just wanted to crawl in a cave and cry. Not that I live near a cave or anything, but if I was to have found one, I would have crawled in it and cried, in the past.
Well, this month, I went to my regular physician and he tells me that I look a lot better than I did a year ago. I tell him that for over a year now, I have been going to a chiropractor for treatment and that he even specializes in Fibromyalgia.
He was actually holding his laugh; and looked at me with a condescending look that made me feel like he was belittling me. Yet, I stood my ground and told him that the chiropractic treatment has been helping, yet it will take a while to get well because I have so many things wrong with me. I could tell that he was still holding his laugh, and he smiles this smile that almost seems evil. He says that the Chiropractor can’t help me, yet he just told me I look like I am doing better than a year ago. I tell him that I don’t have as many migraines as I used to because of the chiropractic treatment.
He asked me if I have been taking my Fibromyalgia medicine. I told him that I have not and my friend tried it and she had some really bad side effects. He said, “Well, that’s her, not you.” I told him that I am tired of being medicated, I never started the Fibro meds, and that I got off of two other medications with his approval and another specialists approval. I am on so many different medications that I think some of the medications are causing side effects that I have to get on another med to help with that side effect.
When I left the doctor’s office that day, I thought of what I should have said. I should have asked what he has done to make me well in these last couple of years. He probably would have said that he has already done everything he knows how to treat me, and then I would have replied, “And I appreciate all that you have helped me do, and now it’s my turn to find other options, which happens to be chiropractic treatment.”
I guess you can say that I have been frustrated because some of my friends and doctors do not think that Chiropractors are “real doctors” or “good doctors,” yet the chiropractic treatment that I have had, has helped. I know I do have these migraine-like headaches still, yet they are not as frequent as before I started this treatment a year ago. I do have fibromyalgia flare-ups often and other intense pain, but I look to the future of it lessening.
I tend to visit my regular physician every now and then for the usual checkups, referrals, or questions that I have. In the past, my regular doctor has done everything he knows how to do for my illnesses and pains and nothing has worked. He has ordered many tests and has treated me with Trigger Point Injections, wellness shots, numerous medications, etc... He has even referred me to numerous specialists for: Fibromyalgia, Rheumatology, Gastroenterolology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Dermatology, and even a Chronic Pain Clinic... and yet nothing has worked. He has done everything he knows how to do and now he basically tells me to just deal with the chronic conditions. I can honestly say that I am doing that better now, than I have in the past.
Several years ago, the Fibromyalgia and Nutritionist specialists had helped me get on track on how to handle different things, and change my way of eating, which I did, yet nothing else had worked. So I was sent to a specialist at the Chronic Pain Clinic; he said that I was in too much pain and had too many problems and to come back when I am in less pain and have less chronic illnesses. I remember crying back then, but now I can actually laugh.
It figures!!! All of my specialists and doctors say that I am their most difficult patient (meaning, I have many chronic illnesses that are difficult to treat and many medicines do not work on me like they do on most of their patients). Most of my doctors are frustrated because anti-inflammatory medicines make me sick. And now I can’t even get treated at the Chronic Pain Clinic. Wow!!! It is funny; now I can laugh at all of this, when in the past I just wanted to crawl in a cave and cry. Not that I live near a cave or anything, but if I was to have found one, I would have crawled in it and cried, in the past.
Well, this month, I went to my regular physician and he tells me that I look a lot better than I did a year ago. I tell him that for over a year now, I have been going to a chiropractor for treatment and that he even specializes in Fibromyalgia.
He was actually holding his laugh; and looked at me with a condescending look that made me feel like he was belittling me. Yet, I stood my ground and told him that the chiropractic treatment has been helping, yet it will take a while to get well because I have so many things wrong with me. I could tell that he was still holding his laugh, and he smiles this smile that almost seems evil. He says that the Chiropractor can’t help me, yet he just told me I look like I am doing better than a year ago. I tell him that I don’t have as many migraines as I used to because of the chiropractic treatment.
He asked me if I have been taking my Fibromyalgia medicine. I told him that I have not and my friend tried it and she had some really bad side effects. He said, “Well, that’s her, not you.” I told him that I am tired of being medicated, I never started the Fibro meds, and that I got off of two other medications with his approval and another specialists approval. I am on so many different medications that I think some of the medications are causing side effects that I have to get on another med to help with that side effect.
When I left the doctor’s office that day, I thought of what I should have said. I should have asked what he has done to make me well in these last couple of years. He probably would have said that he has already done everything he knows how to treat me, and then I would have replied, “And I appreciate all that you have helped me do, and now it’s my turn to find other options, which happens to be chiropractic treatment.”
Sep 23, 2009
I Will Never Forget
I will never forget you, my dear friend, Debbie.
I am missing you; your friendship, your smiles, and your laughter.
I know you went to be in the arms of God, September 30, 2008. I couldn't even imagine living without you; and yet a full year has gone by.
I know that you would be so proud of me. I can hear you laughing and joking and being so excited of how God has worked in my life these last few months. I have had to do some growing up since you left.
You would have cried with me during some times this year, and yet been so excited with me with the blessings God has given me lately. I can hear you praising God at the fact that I am now working...and it's in the medical field.
Who knew that when I helped you study for your medical exam last year that I would need to know those medical terms now?
I will never forget the day you took me to get a procedure done.
The nurse wouldn't let me go home because every time I looked at you, my pulse would go up. We laughed hard and were trying to keep quiet; the other patients were sleeping in the hospital room. You told me to not look at you, but that just made me laugh even more and then my pulse would rise again.
Then there was that time you took me to the doctors and cheered me on as I had to drink 3 of those chalky drinks. Yuck. We tried working on a Bible Crossword puzzle that was so difficult.When I was done with my appointment, I was impressed that you finished most of the crossword. You then laughed and said that you got most of them from the answers in the back of the book.
I will never forget the times we would go to the health store. You would get your yogurt and I would get mine with soy.
I would buy us those special homemade, healthy vegan cookies and then we would drive to the nearby park and talk as we enjoyed the healthy snacks. We even had many conversations over the phone. We would talk and pray for each other. You gave me great advice and I tried to give you some too.
I will never forget how concerned you were for your family
and how much you loved and cared for them.
Even the times you left the house for long periods of time, you asked me to check in on Corrinne to make sure she was okay. And I did several times.
I remember going to Mark's 5th or 6th grade graduation; you were so proud of him; and I enjoyed watching him present a rose to you that day. I remember when the cancer came back; Matt would enroll in College in Washington.
He was going to wait, but you told him to go ahead and attend.
You cared about him so much, and wanted what was best for him and his future.
I remember going to Melody's outdoor wedding and how cold it was.
It was so nice to see you smile so proudly for Melody and Josh.
I will never forget when we celebrated Corrinne's 80th birthday.
Rob allowed me to use his new video camera. I was having fun recording everyone with my not-so-steady hand.
I even quietly taped you getting the birthday cake ready and then you looked up and squealed. I remember when Rob would give me some rocks that he said had fake gold in them. I would humor him and take them; you just quietly smiled and shook your head.
I will never forget our last Christmas together.
You bought me some polka-dotted, thermal pj's because you knew how cold I get in the winter. You said that anyone who gets up in the middle of the night to pray for people needs to be warm. I told you they remind me of Baskin Robins, which has cold ice cream. brrr
As you gave me that present, you told me you had cookies for me also.
Because I wasn't at church the day you brought them for me, you didn't want them to go bad, so you ate them. We laughed together when you told me about that. You always had a way of cracking me up; also I think one year, you ate my Easter bunny you had for me too because I wasn’t at church. You didn’t want it to go bad either. Now I realize you had a thing for sweets.
I will never forget how four or us celebrated our birthdays together last year.
Jennifer, Penny, you, and I went to Famous Dave’s and had our dinner delivered to us in a trash can lid.
We all laughed, took pictures, ate lots, and enjoyed each other’s company.
We asked the waitress to take our picture together and I didn’t realize that it would be our last picture with you.
I will never forget the first day you were in the hospital
in September of last year.
We bonked heads as you tilted your head to lean on my head;
you told me how to keep on living for God no matter what happens to you.
You told me to be strong and everything would be okay.
You told me you would probably die soon but I wouldn't accept it, until now.
I will never forget how Penny and I were praying for you
and you apologized as you kept falling asleep on that day you were admitted to the hospital. I told you not to worry about it; we will just pray for you.
I remember how Rob would sneak me in your hospital room so that I could see you.
Almost every time I saw you, when you were awake, you would lean your head next to mine.You would smile no matter what state you were in, in that last month of your life here on earth.
One day as I was talking with you, I didn’t realize that you couldn’t see anymore.
You asked Rob, if I was the one with the beautiful brown hair. You would always talk about my hair and how you loved it and didn’t think it was fare that I had healthy hair with all the medications I am on.
I told you I would shave my hair to make you feel more at ease about your hair falling out.
You told me to not do that; you wanted everything to look normal, so I thankfully said okay.
I will never forget your last night here on earth.
Irene, Liz, and I came to your hospital room and quietly prayed with you.
You were sleeping but I knew your spirit heard us.
I noticed your breathing was different and I called the nurse.
As we waited, Irene quietly sang a song to you; I felt someone pass by me, but no one was behind me. Then Liz saw a vision of you joyfully going to heaven, and we realized later that, at that time, that is when you had entered heaven. I had a hard time that night and the months to follow.
The nurse let us say goodbye to you. When I hugged you, I noticed it was different; it wasn’t you anymore. Your spirit had gone to heaven; your physical body had died. You were no longer there.
I called our pastor and he came that night to the hospital to console us.
Liz, Irene, and I left the hospital teary-eyed, yet praising God for we knew exactly where you were. We knew that we felt God’s spirit and presence that night. God made it a special night for us.
You are still with our Heavenly Father, who we live for and will someday be able to see His face like you do right now. I am grateful you are in Heaven, in a better place without sickness or pain. I thank God that He allowed me to spend those years with you on this earth and I will take what you taught me and teach others.
I will never forget you, my dear friend Debbie.
Love your sister, Tanya Mae
I am missing you; your friendship, your smiles, and your laughter.
I know you went to be in the arms of God, September 30, 2008. I couldn't even imagine living without you; and yet a full year has gone by.
I know that you would be so proud of me. I can hear you laughing and joking and being so excited of how God has worked in my life these last few months. I have had to do some growing up since you left.
You would have cried with me during some times this year, and yet been so excited with me with the blessings God has given me lately. I can hear you praising God at the fact that I am now working...and it's in the medical field.
Who knew that when I helped you study for your medical exam last year that I would need to know those medical terms now?
I will never forget the day you took me to get a procedure done.
The nurse wouldn't let me go home because every time I looked at you, my pulse would go up. We laughed hard and were trying to keep quiet; the other patients were sleeping in the hospital room. You told me to not look at you, but that just made me laugh even more and then my pulse would rise again.
Then there was that time you took me to the doctors and cheered me on as I had to drink 3 of those chalky drinks. Yuck. We tried working on a Bible Crossword puzzle that was so difficult.When I was done with my appointment, I was impressed that you finished most of the crossword. You then laughed and said that you got most of them from the answers in the back of the book.
I will never forget the times we would go to the health store. You would get your yogurt and I would get mine with soy.
I would buy us those special homemade, healthy vegan cookies and then we would drive to the nearby park and talk as we enjoyed the healthy snacks. We even had many conversations over the phone. We would talk and pray for each other. You gave me great advice and I tried to give you some too.
I will never forget how concerned you were for your family
and how much you loved and cared for them.
Even the times you left the house for long periods of time, you asked me to check in on Corrinne to make sure she was okay. And I did several times.
I remember going to Mark's 5th or 6th grade graduation; you were so proud of him; and I enjoyed watching him present a rose to you that day. I remember when the cancer came back; Matt would enroll in College in Washington.
He was going to wait, but you told him to go ahead and attend.
You cared about him so much, and wanted what was best for him and his future.
I remember going to Melody's outdoor wedding and how cold it was.
It was so nice to see you smile so proudly for Melody and Josh.
I will never forget when we celebrated Corrinne's 80th birthday.
Rob allowed me to use his new video camera. I was having fun recording everyone with my not-so-steady hand.
I even quietly taped you getting the birthday cake ready and then you looked up and squealed. I remember when Rob would give me some rocks that he said had fake gold in them. I would humor him and take them; you just quietly smiled and shook your head.
I will never forget our last Christmas together.
You bought me some polka-dotted, thermal pj's because you knew how cold I get in the winter. You said that anyone who gets up in the middle of the night to pray for people needs to be warm. I told you they remind me of Baskin Robins, which has cold ice cream. brrr
As you gave me that present, you told me you had cookies for me also.
Because I wasn't at church the day you brought them for me, you didn't want them to go bad, so you ate them. We laughed together when you told me about that. You always had a way of cracking me up; also I think one year, you ate my Easter bunny you had for me too because I wasn’t at church. You didn’t want it to go bad either. Now I realize you had a thing for sweets.
I will never forget how four or us celebrated our birthdays together last year.
Jennifer, Penny, you, and I went to Famous Dave’s and had our dinner delivered to us in a trash can lid.
We all laughed, took pictures, ate lots, and enjoyed each other’s company.
We asked the waitress to take our picture together and I didn’t realize that it would be our last picture with you.
I will never forget the first day you were in the hospital
in September of last year.
We bonked heads as you tilted your head to lean on my head;
you told me how to keep on living for God no matter what happens to you.
You told me to be strong and everything would be okay.
You told me you would probably die soon but I wouldn't accept it, until now.
I will never forget how Penny and I were praying for you
and you apologized as you kept falling asleep on that day you were admitted to the hospital. I told you not to worry about it; we will just pray for you.
I remember how Rob would sneak me in your hospital room so that I could see you.
Almost every time I saw you, when you were awake, you would lean your head next to mine.You would smile no matter what state you were in, in that last month of your life here on earth.
One day as I was talking with you, I didn’t realize that you couldn’t see anymore.
You asked Rob, if I was the one with the beautiful brown hair. You would always talk about my hair and how you loved it and didn’t think it was fare that I had healthy hair with all the medications I am on.
I told you I would shave my hair to make you feel more at ease about your hair falling out.
You told me to not do that; you wanted everything to look normal, so I thankfully said okay.
I will never forget your last night here on earth.
Irene, Liz, and I came to your hospital room and quietly prayed with you.
You were sleeping but I knew your spirit heard us.
I noticed your breathing was different and I called the nurse.
As we waited, Irene quietly sang a song to you; I felt someone pass by me, but no one was behind me. Then Liz saw a vision of you joyfully going to heaven, and we realized later that, at that time, that is when you had entered heaven. I had a hard time that night and the months to follow.
The nurse let us say goodbye to you. When I hugged you, I noticed it was different; it wasn’t you anymore. Your spirit had gone to heaven; your physical body had died. You were no longer there.
I called our pastor and he came that night to the hospital to console us.
Liz, Irene, and I left the hospital teary-eyed, yet praising God for we knew exactly where you were. We knew that we felt God’s spirit and presence that night. God made it a special night for us.
You are still with our Heavenly Father, who we live for and will someday be able to see His face like you do right now. I am grateful you are in Heaven, in a better place without sickness or pain. I thank God that He allowed me to spend those years with you on this earth and I will take what you taught me and teach others.
I will never forget you, my dear friend Debbie.
Love your sister, Tanya Mae
Sep 18, 2009
I shall be content
through doctor’s appointments, blood tests, MRI’s, EKG’s and physical examinations;
through medications, ultrasounds, wellness shots, physical therapy, and neck and back adjustments;
through electric stimulation, deep massage, posture pro, and trigger point injections.
I shall be content
through no sleep to restless sleep, dropping things, forgetfulness, and lightheadedness;
through muscle spasms, daily headaches, ongoing stomach issues, and lack of energy;
through allergic reactions, cervical vertigo, sensitive hearing, and even silent illnesses.
I have slowly learned to be content
through having an income to low income and being on a lowered income of SSA Disability;
through ongoing medical-life adjustments, benefits taken away, and finances becoming even tighter;
through two to five doctor’s appointments a week to learning to become a patient - patient.
I am learning to be content
through God who is my ultimate Father, my companion, my guide, and my counselor;
through God who is faithful, compassionate, kind, omnipotent, and omniscient;
through God who understands, is lovable, and is one who is always here with me.
I am learning to be content
through God’s closeness, companionship, ultimate strength, His amazing grace and mercy;
through God’s blessings, patience, unconditional love and His total understanding of me;
through God’s beautiful presence, awesome friendship, and His ultimate being.
Tanya Kirkendall (I can not live without God's help
through doctor’s appointments, blood tests, MRI’s, EKG’s and physical examinations;
through medications, ultrasounds, wellness shots, physical therapy, and neck and back adjustments;
through electric stimulation, deep massage, posture pro, and trigger point injections.
I shall be content
through no sleep to restless sleep, dropping things, forgetfulness, and lightheadedness;
through muscle spasms, daily headaches, ongoing stomach issues, and lack of energy;
through allergic reactions, cervical vertigo, sensitive hearing, and even silent illnesses.
I have slowly learned to be content
through having an income to low income and being on a lowered income of SSA Disability;
through ongoing medical-life adjustments, benefits taken away, and finances becoming even tighter;
through two to five doctor’s appointments a week to learning to become a patient - patient.
I am learning to be content
through God who is my ultimate Father, my companion, my guide, and my counselor;
through God who is faithful, compassionate, kind, omnipotent, and omniscient;
through God who understands, is lovable, and is one who is always here with me.
I am learning to be content
through God’s closeness, companionship, ultimate strength, His amazing grace and mercy;
through God’s blessings, patience, unconditional love and His total understanding of me;
through God’s beautiful presence, awesome friendship, and His ultimate being.
Tanya Kirkendall (I can not live without God's help
God's Beautiful Masterpiece
I have one of my grandmother’s paintings handed down to me from my mother. I have had it for many years and recently noticed a yellow film coating the painting. A friend of mine told me how to restore the painting by using cotton balls, dish soap and water.
As I gently cleaned the delicate picture, I began to see beautiful bright colors come from the flowers that surrounded the bird. The vibrant colors of pink, yellow, blue, and green popped out as though I had just painted it myself. As the first layer of yellow film began to disappear, I noticed the strokes of the paintbrush embedded in the paint. I traced them with my finger and wondered what she was thinking and how was her life at the moment she painted this beautiful picture. What was on her mind the moment she stroked the brush against the canvas?
The original painting was so much more vibrant when the yellow coating was cleaned up. I had to let it dry completely before I am able to take the 2nd layer of the yellow film off. I guess you can say that it’s a process to clean an old and delicate picture.
The process of cleaning the picture reminds me of how God is with us. Every one of us is His original paintings. He brushed each stroke of our body and our lives; we are in the palm of His hands.
We were born into sin and this sin has put an ugly film over us which makes it hard to see God’s original work. When we acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, He completely cleans off the yellow film of sin from us and we begin to see God’s masterpiece.
Even when we are Christians, sin sometimes builds up. We have to continually go to Jesus Christ for him to cleanse us and make us more beautiful, God's beautiful masterpiece.
As I gently cleaned the delicate picture, I began to see beautiful bright colors come from the flowers that surrounded the bird. The vibrant colors of pink, yellow, blue, and green popped out as though I had just painted it myself. As the first layer of yellow film began to disappear, I noticed the strokes of the paintbrush embedded in the paint. I traced them with my finger and wondered what she was thinking and how was her life at the moment she painted this beautiful picture. What was on her mind the moment she stroked the brush against the canvas?
The original painting was so much more vibrant when the yellow coating was cleaned up. I had to let it dry completely before I am able to take the 2nd layer of the yellow film off. I guess you can say that it’s a process to clean an old and delicate picture.
The process of cleaning the picture reminds me of how God is with us. Every one of us is His original paintings. He brushed each stroke of our body and our lives; we are in the palm of His hands.
We were born into sin and this sin has put an ugly film over us which makes it hard to see God’s original work. When we acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, He completely cleans off the yellow film of sin from us and we begin to see God’s masterpiece.
Even when we are Christians, sin sometimes builds up. We have to continually go to Jesus Christ for him to cleanse us and make us more beautiful, God's beautiful masterpiece.
Aug 24, 2009
How Does God Answer Prayers? another thought to ponder
Jesus Christ knew what He came down on earth for. He knew in advance what He was going to accomplish, who He would come in contact with, and how His life would end. He knew He would be beaten, mocked, cursed at, ridiculed, and then crucified. Even when He knew what was going to happen, He didn't run away or hide. Jesus Christ kept doing what He was supposed to do; He obeyed His Father and did His will.
Jesus spent a lot of time with the 12 disciples whom He mentored. He didn't rub it in their face and say, "Because all of the bad things you and everyone in the world has done, I have to be crucified and go through a lot of anguish..." No he didn't say that. He didn't even throw a pity party and say, "woe is me." He felt total compassion for them and the generations to come, which includes you and I.
Jesus brought the disciples with Him to Gethsemane and asked them to sit while He walked away from them to pray; He had Peter, James, and John go with Him. I think He chose those three to go with them for support and He just needed His close friends by Him. Remember this Jesus (who is also God) is in human form when He was on this earth. He felt pain and emotions just like you and I do.
Suddenly the weight of this heavy burden was on His shoulders; He began to be sorrowful and troubled and told them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death; stay here and keep watch with me."
When He was in the garden praying, He fell on His face and cried out to his Father (God). I think he was probably feeling very "alone" at this moment. He cried out,
"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." He not only prayed this once, but three times.
He knew what He was about to go through; I think perhaps He was hoping that His Father would change His mind and not have Him go through the suffering He was about to go through. He knew that God could take this from Him in an instant. He had seen people healed of leprosy, others raised from the dead, and even demons being cast out of people. So why did His Father, God, not answer His prayer the way He wanted it to be answered? Why was this time different? Surely God could change His mind; surely God could find another way to take away the sins of the world. But God knew best.
As Jesus prayed and felt so heavy and burdened down, an angel came to Him and strengthened Him. There are so many times in our own lives when we are going through tough times, that God may send an angel to help us or strengthen us.
Jesus was in so much anguish about what He was going to do that while He prayed, His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. He was basically in turmoil. He prayed again: "Not my Will, but Yours." He had put His feelings and emotions aside, and told His Father that He would go through with it because He knew it's what His Father wanted Him to do.
I can imagine that maybe Jesus' mother quietly begged God, "God, please don't let Jesus die; don't let my baby go through pain or sorrow. You know He has served you wholeheartedly; He was a good boy and has grown up to be a godly man. Please take this from Him. Please God, Please." And why wasn't her prayer answered? Have you ever prayed that kind of prayer for someone you loved who was going through cancer, who was on their death bed, or who has diabetes, or some other illness. Why doesn't God answer the prayer? (Why doesn't He do what "I" think is best?) Hmmm.
I am in a growing time in my life; a time where I am learning more about God and how He answers prayer. I've always prayed a certain way when it came to praying for people. I've had faith to see people healed and a lot have not been healed, including myself. I've had faith to have a lot of prayer requests answered, my way, but a lot did not happen. I have always heard that God answers prayers by "Yes, No, or Maybe". I didn't totally understand that, until now. See, I am a person who wants to see others healed, blessed, and loved. I want to see great things happen, and not bad. I want God to answer all the prayer needs the way I think they should be, but guess what? He doesn't. But, Why? Because we don't know the outcome. We don't know that if our friend dies of cancer, than maybe her family will draw closer to God, or if a person loses their house, they possibly need to learn how to trust God more, or if a person has an injury, that even though they will be suffering physically, they will draw closer to God. See, we don't know the outcome...but God does...He knows what is best.
So when you pray: even though you are praying with all your might that your need will be met, and even though you have so much anguish that your sweat becomes blood, remember to pray what you want, but then pray that God's will, will be done. It might be the best thing that has ever happened to that person you are praying for. If God answered (my imagined) prayer of Jesus' mother, that God would not let Jesus die, than we would never have a savior. If the Father, God, answered Jesus' prayer and said, "Okay Jesus, I will not have you die on the cross," we would have no one to cover our sins. So as the old saying goes, "What would Jesus Do? Well, He would say "Father, not my will, but yours."
I know, this is easier said than done, so allow God to speak to your heart as He has mine. This is hard for me too, but I so want to do the will of God, and there are so many times, my will gets in the way.
..If you are praying for me, it's okay to pray for God's will for my life.
Oh by the way, after Jesus died on the cross, He rose again!!! He is ALIVE!!!
References: Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46
Jesus spent a lot of time with the 12 disciples whom He mentored. He didn't rub it in their face and say, "Because all of the bad things you and everyone in the world has done, I have to be crucified and go through a lot of anguish..." No he didn't say that. He didn't even throw a pity party and say, "woe is me." He felt total compassion for them and the generations to come, which includes you and I.
Jesus brought the disciples with Him to Gethsemane and asked them to sit while He walked away from them to pray; He had Peter, James, and John go with Him. I think He chose those three to go with them for support and He just needed His close friends by Him. Remember this Jesus (who is also God) is in human form when He was on this earth. He felt pain and emotions just like you and I do.
Suddenly the weight of this heavy burden was on His shoulders; He began to be sorrowful and troubled and told them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death; stay here and keep watch with me."
When He was in the garden praying, He fell on His face and cried out to his Father (God). I think he was probably feeling very "alone" at this moment. He cried out,
"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." He not only prayed this once, but three times.
He knew what He was about to go through; I think perhaps He was hoping that His Father would change His mind and not have Him go through the suffering He was about to go through. He knew that God could take this from Him in an instant. He had seen people healed of leprosy, others raised from the dead, and even demons being cast out of people. So why did His Father, God, not answer His prayer the way He wanted it to be answered? Why was this time different? Surely God could change His mind; surely God could find another way to take away the sins of the world. But God knew best.
As Jesus prayed and felt so heavy and burdened down, an angel came to Him and strengthened Him. There are so many times in our own lives when we are going through tough times, that God may send an angel to help us or strengthen us.
Jesus was in so much anguish about what He was going to do that while He prayed, His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. He was basically in turmoil. He prayed again: "Not my Will, but Yours." He had put His feelings and emotions aside, and told His Father that He would go through with it because He knew it's what His Father wanted Him to do.
I can imagine that maybe Jesus' mother quietly begged God, "God, please don't let Jesus die; don't let my baby go through pain or sorrow. You know He has served you wholeheartedly; He was a good boy and has grown up to be a godly man. Please take this from Him. Please God, Please." And why wasn't her prayer answered? Have you ever prayed that kind of prayer for someone you loved who was going through cancer, who was on their death bed, or who has diabetes, or some other illness. Why doesn't God answer the prayer? (Why doesn't He do what "I" think is best?) Hmmm.
I am in a growing time in my life; a time where I am learning more about God and how He answers prayer. I've always prayed a certain way when it came to praying for people. I've had faith to see people healed and a lot have not been healed, including myself. I've had faith to have a lot of prayer requests answered, my way, but a lot did not happen. I have always heard that God answers prayers by "Yes, No, or Maybe". I didn't totally understand that, until now. See, I am a person who wants to see others healed, blessed, and loved. I want to see great things happen, and not bad. I want God to answer all the prayer needs the way I think they should be, but guess what? He doesn't. But, Why? Because we don't know the outcome. We don't know that if our friend dies of cancer, than maybe her family will draw closer to God, or if a person loses their house, they possibly need to learn how to trust God more, or if a person has an injury, that even though they will be suffering physically, they will draw closer to God. See, we don't know the outcome...but God does...He knows what is best.
So when you pray: even though you are praying with all your might that your need will be met, and even though you have so much anguish that your sweat becomes blood, remember to pray what you want, but then pray that God's will, will be done. It might be the best thing that has ever happened to that person you are praying for. If God answered (my imagined) prayer of Jesus' mother, that God would not let Jesus die, than we would never have a savior. If the Father, God, answered Jesus' prayer and said, "Okay Jesus, I will not have you die on the cross," we would have no one to cover our sins. So as the old saying goes, "What would Jesus Do? Well, He would say "Father, not my will, but yours."
I know, this is easier said than done, so allow God to speak to your heart as He has mine. This is hard for me too, but I so want to do the will of God, and there are so many times, my will gets in the way.
..If you are praying for me, it's okay to pray for God's will for my life.
Oh by the way, after Jesus died on the cross, He rose again!!! He is ALIVE!!!
References: Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 22:39-46
Aug 13, 2009
Just Pondering about God.

Apr 26, 2009
some key points from sermon notes from April 12, 09
God welcomes the hurting.
God whispers your name, he knows your pain.
It's hard to see the plan of God when going through hard times and losses.
There are rocks in the road and disappointments. Have you lost hope?
Jesus wants to walk with us, through this road.
God wants to hold us in our life and say there is hope.
God IS the rock.
Find hope in Him.
He is God; what are you going to do about it!!!
God whispers your name, he knows your pain.
It's hard to see the plan of God when going through hard times and losses.
There are rocks in the road and disappointments. Have you lost hope?
Jesus wants to walk with us, through this road.
God wants to hold us in our life and say there is hope.
God IS the rock.
Find hope in Him.
He is God; what are you going to do about it!!!
Spiritual Warfare (sermon notes 4/19/09)
1) We don't fight for victory, we fight from victory that is already won.Be strong in the Lord. Christ's work "IT IS FINISHED". He finished His work on this earth.
The Enemy was defeated!!!! The enemy flees from the God is us.
2)We find our success in standing.
-to stand and after you've done everything, stand.
With all the hard times you go through, still stand and serve God.
3)Our best tactic is prayer
Most of our battle is in our heart and mind.
Praying in the Spirit always. God (our Papa, our Dad) has NOT abandoned us. He loves us!!!
He wants to talk with us, communicate with us.
Let the Holy Spirit use you.
Pray for all the saints.
Start giving.
The center of the gospel is praying for others.
The Enemy was defeated!!!! The enemy flees from the God is us.
2)We find our success in standing.
-to stand and after you've done everything, stand.
With all the hard times you go through, still stand and serve God.
3)Our best tactic is prayer
Most of our battle is in our heart and mind.
Praying in the Spirit always. God (our Papa, our Dad) has NOT abandoned us. He loves us!!!
He wants to talk with us, communicate with us.
Let the Holy Spirit use you.
Pray for all the saints.
Start giving.
The center of the gospel is praying for others.
Getting Activated (sermon notes, April 26, 09)
Remember I am significant and important to eternity.
What is it that God wants with me?
Read Exodus 1:1-14
1) God favors the oppressed
We have a little bit of eternity in us.
We are most like our Father God when we take care of the powerless. (We need to help others)
2) God incarnates His answers. (Exodus 2:1)
God made Moses to help with the answers for that time.
What you are going to do, has to do with what God has done to prepare you.
For example: schooling, life experiences, skills you have had, etc...
When you are activated by God, everything you do is easier.
You can even do hard work and feel light about it on your feet. For example: setting up for church each week can get tiresome, but when God activates you, it will be enjoyable.
There is joy in freedom- freedom in God
Do what God made you to do and you'll have joy.
What is it that God wants with me?
Read Exodus 1:1-14
1) God favors the oppressed
We have a little bit of eternity in us.
We are most like our Father God when we take care of the powerless. (We need to help others)
2) God incarnates His answers. (Exodus 2:1)
God made Moses to help with the answers for that time.
What you are going to do, has to do with what God has done to prepare you.
For example: schooling, life experiences, skills you have had, etc...
When you are activated by God, everything you do is easier.
You can even do hard work and feel light about it on your feet. For example: setting up for church each week can get tiresome, but when God activates you, it will be enjoyable.
There is joy in freedom- freedom in God
Do what God made you to do and you'll have joy.
Feb 11, 2009
Pondering about the economy, clinging more to God.
I just had to write a blog because I feel mostly for my friends who have families and are struggling way more than I.
People are losing their jobs by either getting laid-off or being fired if they don't resign. I know so many people who have lost their jobs within the last year and it seems like it's getting worse.
click comments to read the rest of the blog
People are losing their jobs by either getting laid-off or being fired if they don't resign. I know so many people who have lost their jobs within the last year and it seems like it's getting worse.
click comments to read the rest of the blog
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