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Aug 27, 2012

God, You Made it All

Oil Painting by Tanya Kirkendall

God, You Made It All

You made the beautiful oceans,
the calming seas,
and the flowing rivers
that are in every nation.

You made the gorgeous blue skies,
the enormous trees,
and the blossoming flowers
that enhance your creation.

You made the amazing cheetahs,
to the smallest ant,
and all the various animals
that roam this big earth.

You made the tiniest person
to the tallest human,
and all those in between
who have been in the process of birth.

God, you made it all.
Your creativity is beyond my human imagination.
Your love of color and variety is everywhere you are.
You have painted the earth into existence.
No one else could do what you have done.
You are truly amazing.

Tanya Kirkendall
2:45 am

Thank You God, for My Sense of Smell

God, you made the beautiful fragrance of blossoming flowers that enhance my senses.
You created our sense of smell to enjoy even the different foods we prepare.
You flood our souls with peace like rivers and unconditional love that is oh so good.
You have even made the hint of rain producing some kind of scent.

You created our nose to behold the most beautiful aromas of this world.
You made even our senses to enhance life so much more.
Even the smell of meat barbecued, outdoors, makes our mouth water.
Lord, thank you for thinking of even small things like this to pleasure us.

But God, why?  Why did you create the skunk?
Don’t you know that the skunk stinks?
Remember, you created the skunk to spray and be smelled for miles?
It’s not a pleasant aroma that feels my nostrils.
And yes, I am grateful that I have a sense of smell. 
Thank you that you made our senses to enhance life so much more.
Thank you that I can smell, see, hear, taste and touch.
I think the skunk was made to remind us....
Actually I can’t think of anything good that it could remind me of,
Except that I still have my sense of smell. (lol)

One time my friend and I saw a skunk coming towards the building;
We jumped out of our seats so fast. God, I bet you even chuckled that night.
Not only do you have all your senses, you have the best one of all...the sense of humor.

Tanya Kirkendall
3:30 am