Yah, and about that evolution thing, people actual believe that we came from apes or monkeys. You might have come from a monkey, but I didn't. And if we came from monkeys, why are there still some at the zoo? Are we holding them hostage to see if they will turn into a person's son or daughter someday. That just cracks me up.
Any one that knows me real well, knows that my favorite animal is the monkey, but I know that I wasn't a monkey, never been a monkey, never will be a monkey and my great, great, great, and a million more great grandparents were not monkeys. So stop monkeying around, and get a clue: God created us... God is my true father, not the monkey.
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Oct 28, 2009
God is creative

Yesterday I was cutting open a pomegranate; I was thinking who ever made this fruit is very creative. I was taking out each little piece and placing it in a bowl. I would break apart more of the pomegranate and realize there was even more of those little pieces hiding. As I grabbed one little piece and ate it; I was amazed at how much juice was in that tiny little seed.
It made me start thinking about how creative God is; He made so many different kinds of fruit. He put so much thought into each one, especially the pomegranate. He has made so many things on this earth, plus the earth itself, and everything surrounding it.
God amazes me with all that He does. If I was him, I wouldn't even know where to start to even think about how to make an earth, let alone mankind. Here's a thought: What if I was in charge of making mankind. You think it's bad now, it's nothing compared to it if I was in charge of it. I guess there is a reason why He is God and I am not. He can do anything. He can be everywhere at once, and yet know each individual person personally and individually. That is so amazing to me. I can not do that. I love people but that's just a lot of responsibility, let alone a lot of people.
When I was opening that piece of fruit, it just made me think of how could someone not believe that God exists when he is all around us. He is in the air we breath (yes, even in the smog), he is in Russia, as well as CA, and even all the way to the moon. That would be so cool, to be an astronaut and go to the moon and do your daily devotional or pray and be surrounded by all those stars. That would be so breathtaking, yet I am afraid of heights so you won't see me there anytime soon. Remember that we are surrounded by God and all that He is and all that He does.
God created man. The more I read details of the anatomy it just amazes me how each part, big or small, is connected and for all the different purposes.
How can someone not believe that there is no God? That just stumps me.
God is God.
The end.
-(I dedicate this blog to the 3 amigos: Devin Henderson, Esteban Sandoval, and Kellen Ricker, just because I can and also because they were my former students. All have grown up and recently have started attending different colleges, are still serving God, and I am proud of them).
Oct 23, 2009
Chiropractic treatment is working! I just know that in my case, it will take a lot of time.
I guess you can say that I have been frustrated because some of my friends and doctors do not think that Chiropractors are “real doctors” or “good doctors,” yet the chiropractic treatment that I have had, has helped. I know I do have these migraine-like headaches still, yet they are not as frequent as before I started this treatment a year ago. I do have fibromyalgia flare-ups often and other intense pain, but I look to the future of it lessening.
I tend to visit my regular physician every now and then for the usual checkups, referrals, or questions that I have. In the past, my regular doctor has done everything he knows how to do for my illnesses and pains and nothing has worked. He has ordered many tests and has treated me with Trigger Point Injections, wellness shots, numerous medications, etc... He has even referred me to numerous specialists for: Fibromyalgia, Rheumatology, Gastroenterolology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Dermatology, and even a Chronic Pain Clinic... and yet nothing has worked. He has done everything he knows how to do and now he basically tells me to just deal with the chronic conditions. I can honestly say that I am doing that better now, than I have in the past.
Several years ago, the Fibromyalgia and Nutritionist specialists had helped me get on track on how to handle different things, and change my way of eating, which I did, yet nothing else had worked. So I was sent to a specialist at the Chronic Pain Clinic; he said that I was in too much pain and had too many problems and to come back when I am in less pain and have less chronic illnesses. I remember crying back then, but now I can actually laugh.
It figures!!! All of my specialists and doctors say that I am their most difficult patient (meaning, I have many chronic illnesses that are difficult to treat and many medicines do not work on me like they do on most of their patients). Most of my doctors are frustrated because anti-inflammatory medicines make me sick. And now I can’t even get treated at the Chronic Pain Clinic. Wow!!! It is funny; now I can laugh at all of this, when in the past I just wanted to crawl in a cave and cry. Not that I live near a cave or anything, but if I was to have found one, I would have crawled in it and cried, in the past.
Well, this month, I went to my regular physician and he tells me that I look a lot better than I did a year ago. I tell him that for over a year now, I have been going to a chiropractor for treatment and that he even specializes in Fibromyalgia.
He was actually holding his laugh; and looked at me with a condescending look that made me feel like he was belittling me. Yet, I stood my ground and told him that the chiropractic treatment has been helping, yet it will take a while to get well because I have so many things wrong with me. I could tell that he was still holding his laugh, and he smiles this smile that almost seems evil. He says that the Chiropractor can’t help me, yet he just told me I look like I am doing better than a year ago. I tell him that I don’t have as many migraines as I used to because of the chiropractic treatment.
He asked me if I have been taking my Fibromyalgia medicine. I told him that I have not and my friend tried it and she had some really bad side effects. He said, “Well, that’s her, not you.” I told him that I am tired of being medicated, I never started the Fibro meds, and that I got off of two other medications with his approval and another specialists approval. I am on so many different medications that I think some of the medications are causing side effects that I have to get on another med to help with that side effect.
When I left the doctor’s office that day, I thought of what I should have said. I should have asked what he has done to make me well in these last couple of years. He probably would have said that he has already done everything he knows how to treat me, and then I would have replied, “And I appreciate all that you have helped me do, and now it’s my turn to find other options, which happens to be chiropractic treatment.”
I guess you can say that I have been frustrated because some of my friends and doctors do not think that Chiropractors are “real doctors” or “good doctors,” yet the chiropractic treatment that I have had, has helped. I know I do have these migraine-like headaches still, yet they are not as frequent as before I started this treatment a year ago. I do have fibromyalgia flare-ups often and other intense pain, but I look to the future of it lessening.
I tend to visit my regular physician every now and then for the usual checkups, referrals, or questions that I have. In the past, my regular doctor has done everything he knows how to do for my illnesses and pains and nothing has worked. He has ordered many tests and has treated me with Trigger Point Injections, wellness shots, numerous medications, etc... He has even referred me to numerous specialists for: Fibromyalgia, Rheumatology, Gastroenterolology, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Dermatology, and even a Chronic Pain Clinic... and yet nothing has worked. He has done everything he knows how to do and now he basically tells me to just deal with the chronic conditions. I can honestly say that I am doing that better now, than I have in the past.
Several years ago, the Fibromyalgia and Nutritionist specialists had helped me get on track on how to handle different things, and change my way of eating, which I did, yet nothing else had worked. So I was sent to a specialist at the Chronic Pain Clinic; he said that I was in too much pain and had too many problems and to come back when I am in less pain and have less chronic illnesses. I remember crying back then, but now I can actually laugh.
It figures!!! All of my specialists and doctors say that I am their most difficult patient (meaning, I have many chronic illnesses that are difficult to treat and many medicines do not work on me like they do on most of their patients). Most of my doctors are frustrated because anti-inflammatory medicines make me sick. And now I can’t even get treated at the Chronic Pain Clinic. Wow!!! It is funny; now I can laugh at all of this, when in the past I just wanted to crawl in a cave and cry. Not that I live near a cave or anything, but if I was to have found one, I would have crawled in it and cried, in the past.
Well, this month, I went to my regular physician and he tells me that I look a lot better than I did a year ago. I tell him that for over a year now, I have been going to a chiropractor for treatment and that he even specializes in Fibromyalgia.
He was actually holding his laugh; and looked at me with a condescending look that made me feel like he was belittling me. Yet, I stood my ground and told him that the chiropractic treatment has been helping, yet it will take a while to get well because I have so many things wrong with me. I could tell that he was still holding his laugh, and he smiles this smile that almost seems evil. He says that the Chiropractor can’t help me, yet he just told me I look like I am doing better than a year ago. I tell him that I don’t have as many migraines as I used to because of the chiropractic treatment.
He asked me if I have been taking my Fibromyalgia medicine. I told him that I have not and my friend tried it and she had some really bad side effects. He said, “Well, that’s her, not you.” I told him that I am tired of being medicated, I never started the Fibro meds, and that I got off of two other medications with his approval and another specialists approval. I am on so many different medications that I think some of the medications are causing side effects that I have to get on another med to help with that side effect.
When I left the doctor’s office that day, I thought of what I should have said. I should have asked what he has done to make me well in these last couple of years. He probably would have said that he has already done everything he knows how to treat me, and then I would have replied, “And I appreciate all that you have helped me do, and now it’s my turn to find other options, which happens to be chiropractic treatment.”
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