Oil Painting by Tanya Kirkendall |
God, You Made It All
You made the beautiful oceans,
the calming seas,
and the flowing rivers
that are in every nation.
You made the gorgeous blue skies,
the enormous trees,
and the blossoming flowers
that enhance your creation.
You made the amazing cheetahs,
to the smallest ant,
and all the various animals
that roam this big earth.
You made the tiniest person
to the tallest human,
and all those in between
who have been in the process of birth.
God, you made it all.
Your creativity is beyond my human imagination.
Your love of color and variety is everywhere you are.
You have painted the earth into existence.
No one else could do what you have done.
You are truly amazing.
Tanya Kirkendall
2:45 am