I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me by encouraging phone calls, hanging out, a big smile, known or silent prayers, emails, or even just a pat on the back ... I really appreciate it. Life is just a little more easier when you have good friends and family.
There are times that I do have my bad days, and thankfully lately I have been having good days. Maybe it's because I know have a tangible hope about my health insurance miracle I had last week regarding my jaw. I have an appt next month with a great jaw specialist and I am so grateful.
I have been in awe of God and the whole situation that lately I have actually been speechless. Which, in itself, is a miracle. LOL. Just this last 9 days, I have seen over six answers to my prayers lately. Those prayers weren't for me, but some friends I have. I can honestly say that I have had some really good "GOD" times this year... I look forward to a brighter future...
Thanks again and God bless ya
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