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Apr 2, 2013

Fibromyalgia Poem...What We Deal With. (please read if you or someone you know has fibromyalgia or any chronic pain)

fibromyalgia photo: Fibromyalgia 09 Fibromyalgia_aware.jpgFibromyalgia is no doubt a pain.
You may feel like you are going insane.
Your skin hurts to touch
Your brain is not alert, that much.
The pain is so intense and excruciating everywhere,
and even your skin feels like it's crawling and hard to bear.

The vision is blurred, doubled, or even spotted

and the neck and back muscles, are all knotted.
Your head may hurt and feel like it will explode;
the pressure is so intense and feels like a huge load.
Your brain is so numb, unclear, and foggy
and if you didn't sleep well, you may be groggy.

fibromyalgia photo: Fibromyalgia fibromyalgiacarmagnet.gif
Pain in the hands and feet increase when the weather changes
and runs through the body in different ranges.
Then there is the snap, crackle, and pop of the TMJ jaw syndrome
and it's even affected by the food you intake, from going out or eating at home.
We don't know what a good night sleep is all about
and it's hard to handle and not focus, no doubt.

The skin may itch all over your body and all you want to do is scratch,
and your immune system is lower, so sickness, you may catch.
The muscles spasms are no laughing matter;
they make everything worse, even the bladder.
Then there are the sensitivities to food, allergies, meds, and more.
Sorry if all these many symptoms, to you, are a bore.
But this is what we deal with on a regular basis
and we try to be our self and put on different faces.
We try to smile, yet there are days that it hurts to even do that.
Then there is the IBS that causes bloating and make us look pregnant or fat.
It is so embarrassing at times, with all that we have to put up with
and people say Fibromyalgia is all in our head, but that's such a myth.

We just want people to believe in us

and not to make a huge fuss.
We so want to live a regular life without pain
fibromyalgia photo: Fibromyalgia fibroinvisible.jpgyet our daily challenges keep our energy drained.
So please take us seriously, we have feelings too.
Stand with us when we are happy or feeling blue.
Encourage us, pray for us, and help out when you can.
We need your support, your love, and to be our big fan.
Cheer us on, encourage us, so we don't feel alone,
by emailing, texting, visiting, or calling on the phone.

We appreciate all the encouragement we can get

yet if this is too much for you to handle, don't fret.
But PLEASE do not minimize what we go through,
because everyday it feels like we have the flu.
Think of going through body aches, weakness, and of the worst cases.
Well, that is what we deal with and even more, on a regular basis.
fibromyalgia photo: Fibromyalgia Hope fibrohope.jpg

Fibro buddies, keep your chin up and breathe in fresh air;

Look up into the sky, and remember someone does care.
There is the God of the Heaven who knows what you go through.
He knows when you are having a hard time and feeling blue.
He has an unconditional love for you, He wants to share.
Acknowledge Him because He loves you and does care.
I (Tanya) totally understand what you all go through
because I have a list of health issues along with Fibromyalgia too.

fibromyalgia photo: Fibromyalgia fibrosortofdayjpg.jpg

Poem By Tanya Kirkendall

4/1/2013 (12 am)

(all pictures are from photobucket.com)

fibromyalgia photo: med fibromyalgia.jpg


  1. That is a great synopsis of a difficult-to-describe issue. I love how you cover everything, from the serious, to the sublime, to the silly, to the sacred. The Lord will bless you as you continue to bring smiles with your art and joy with your words (which is also art!). Much love to you, friend!

  2. Thank you Andree. I appreciate your kind words...my art work and writings are from the gifts God gives me and the strength he pours on me

  3. I thank God for my mum who is sooooo supportive thru it all!

  4. Thank you, If they only knew, I would not wish this agony on anyone! Thank you God for the last 8years you've kept my body going, my my mind sane and my spirit praying in fibromyalgia

    1. How true---you wonder if anyone cares to even read about how we hurt, body, mind and soul!! It's invisible---not like MS, MD, cancer and all the rest! Such a strange Syndrome that makes one feel so guilty for having it somehow!

    2. Thank you "Blue Bird." I totally understand what you are saying. If they could only be in our shoes for 5 mins, they would hopefully understand more.
      Thank you for taking the time to comment.
      P.S. Don't feel guilty, even though it's easy to do...

  5. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
