F- Friends (Communicate with others especially with those who can relate with you. Everyone needs friends, especially when dealing with pain).
I- Idea (Get ideas on how to live with your pain...look up stuff online, ask a friend, ask someone in a support group).
B- Break (taking breaks is so important for you...You need that rest to help you keep going).
R- Read (Read up on your meds, fibro symptoms, even food labels, etc...Better yet, read a good book).
O- Onions (sometimes you just have to peel that onion and cry. It's okay to cry and have down times).
M- Memories (Think of funny things in your life, in the past or present. Learn to laugh at your crazy fibro fog moments).
Y- You (take care of YOU because sometimes that is all you have. Learn to love YOU the way you are).
A- Advocate (Be your own advocate. Stand up for yourself with doctors, family, friends, etc...Remember YOU know how YOU feel...Speak it out).
L- Love (Remember to love others, and show them you care. Encourage others, if you are able to).
G- God (let God be your source of strength. He loves YOU unconditionally).
I- Interests (find a hobby or do something fun to take your mind off of the pain, like read a good book, do artwork, take pictures, etc..).
A- Attitude (try to have a positive attitude. I know it is hard, and you may not be able to do it all the time...Do your best to keep going, keep your chin up and look up and say, I CAN DO IT...yet if you aren't able to do things you use to do, you may have to grieve over it and find something new that you can do...
(I downloaded the picture from one of fibromyalgia's support groups online.)
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