"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing." 2 Cor 2:14-15
When you smell something, it can make you feel good or bad. How do you feel when you smell a skunk? Do you want to cuddle with that skunk, and spend hours with that skunk? Do you want to make that skunk your indoor pet? Does the skunk bring you great memories? Do you want to smell like the skunk? Do you want to be like the skunk? If you do any of these, I can find you a counselor. lol.
Now, how do you feel when you smell a bottle of nice perfume or a blossoming flower? Do they make you feel good? Do you want to be around them? Do you want to dab the perfume on you or add a bouquet of flowers to your home? When you take a deep breath, does it makes you feel good and warm on the inside? (Well, it does for me).
We (as believers in God) are the fragrance of Christ, to God. When we are in Christ and Christ is in us, we tend to be like him. We may start looking like him, smelling like him, and doing the same things that he does. I don't mean that we will end up being more hairy, sweaty, or taller. I mean, our spirit will begin to change. Our character will change. Our soul will change. We may even have a glow on our face. We will be more Christ-like.
Are you striving to be more like Christ? Are you spending quality time with God? Remember, we have the opportunity to spread out this fragrance of Christ to everyone we meet.
scripture from NKJV
pic by tk Expressive Praise
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